referral Information
The practitioners you will find in our directory are qualified sexual health Educational professionals and carry Allied Health medical indemnity insurance. We are qualified to work with clients somatically (hands-on) in areas that professionals such as sex therapists, medical doctors and mental health specialists are often unable.
Our work is critical in supporting clients to live happy and healthy lives. In many cases it is challenging to move forward from their Medical or Psychological therapy and regain sensations or sexual functionality in their bodies and live well-adjusted lives in the community.
By contacting our practitioners through our directory you can feel confident that the people you are referring to are qualified, competent and pre-checked so you and your clients are safe and supported.
Below are some FAQs to help with your decision making process, and when you're ready you can reach out to the practitioner you choose directly.
What do Somatic Sex Educators do?Somatic Sex Educators provide a safe space to learn about the various aspects of human sexuality. They teach their clients and students how to connect with their bodies, regulate their nervous systems and expand their pleasure through body based practices. These teachings harness 5 core "somatic gateways" - breath, sound, movement, touch and placement of awareness.
How we can helpSomatic Sex Educators and bodywork therapists can support recovery and complement other therapeutic or medical practices, especially in the following areas: - by supporting clients in specialist areas of sex, intimacy and pleasure to connect with their bodies - provide rehabilitation post sexual or physical trauma, - support the recovery of clients after surgical procedures such as prostatectomy, mastectomy, genitals etc. - provide sex education / sexual health advice - support various gender identities and sexual orientations where there is limited experience or knowledge
What qualifications does a Somatic Sexologist need to practice?Certificate in Sexological Bodywork and/or Certificate in Somatic Sex Education.
What's the difference between a Somatic Sexologist and a Sexologistl
What is the difference between a Somatic Sex Educator and a Sex Worker?A somatic sex educator works within the boundaries of a professional Code of Ethics and Conduct and their work is insured. As the name suggests this work is focuses on education, learning and growth rather than simply having a pleasurable experience. There are 5 main pillars that make this work unique: 1. Every session is centred around an educational objective. 2. Practitioners remain clothed at all times. 3. Practitioners commit to not entering into any romantic or sexual relationship with their clients within 12 months of the last time they worked with a client. 4. If it is a Sexological Bodywork session and erotic touch is involved, it is uni-directional from practitioner to client. 5. If it is a Sexological Bodywork session and erotic/genital touch is involved practitioners wear gloves.
What do Somatic Sex Educators do?Somatic Sex Educators provide a safe space to learn about the various aspects of human sexuality. They teach their clients and students how to connect with their bodies, regulate their nervous systems and expand their pleasure through body based practices. These teachings harness 5 core "somatic gateways" - breath, sound, movement, touch and placement of awareness.
How we can helpSomatic Sex Educators and bodywork therapists can support recovery and complement other therapeutic or medical practices, especially in the following areas: - by supporting clients in specialist areas of sex, intimacy and pleasure to connect with their bodies - provide rehabilitation post sexual or physical trauma, - support the recovery of clients after surgical procedures such as prostatectomy, mastectomy, genitals etc. - provide sex education / sexual health advice - support various gender identities and sexual orientations where there is limited experience or knowledge
Professional Member and Association insurancesProfessional Member Insurance As a condition of membership, Professional Members of the SSEAA must hold both Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance which is provided by AON. The policy covers the Professional Members Worldwide, excluding USA and Canada, or by agreement with the underwriter. Association Insurance The Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia Inc also holds Not-for-Profit | Protector/Association Liability The policy covers the Association Worldwide, excluding USA and Canada, or by agreement with the underwriter.
What are the supervision requirements for Professional Members?As Somatic Sex Educators work in different ways, supervision must reflect this. SSEAA membership allows practitioners to choose an option most suited to their practice. The Association requires members to retain evidence of supervision per the membership agreement. Association-approved supervisors are experienced professionals who have undertaken Association-approved training in competency-based supervision.
How to find a practitioner to suit your needsYou can browse all practioners on the Find a Practitioner page. From there you can filter by location, service offering, speciality and more.